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C# Programming Training

Overview of C# Programming

C# is a programming language used in diverse use cases and supports multiple programming paradigms like object-oriented programming, component-oriented programming, etc. The course is aimed at giving participants a head-start in C# programming by delivering a hands-on training experience on various important topics.


3 Days

At the end of the training, participants will have

  • A strong understanding of C# and .Net framework
  • A strong understanding of object-oriented programming and other C# programming constructs like exceptional handling, multithreading, etc

Prerequisite for C# Programming

Basic computer knowledge is required to attend this training program

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. C# is a programming language used in diverse use cases and supports multiple programming paradigms like object-oriented programming, component-oriented programming, etc. The course is aimed at giving participants a head-start in C# programming by delivering a hands-on training experience on various important topics.

Course Outline for C# Programming

Introducing .Net & C#

  • Overview: .Net Framework
  • Components: .Net framework
  • Assemblies
  • Introducing C#

Overview of Programming elements

  • Write Hello-World
  • Classes & Methods
  • Main()
  • Loops & Branching
  • Data type & variables

Assembly & namespaces

  • Overview: Build a C# Program
  • Assembly
  • Namespace
  • Overview: Visual Studio IDE

Introducing Object-Oriented Programming

  • Understanding Objects and Its role
  • Creating classes
  • Methods
  • Static vs Non-Static members
  • Properties

Object-Oriented Programming Part 2

  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Containment
  • Value type and reference type
  • Object class

Collections and Generic

  • Working with Arrays
  • Arrays vs collections
  • Common Collections
  • Object-based generic class
  • Understanding the need for generic
  • Generic methods and classes


  • What is a delegate
  • Working with delegate
  • Multicast delegate
  • Events

Exception Handling

  • What is an exception
  • Catching Exception
  • Throwing Exception
  • Try block
  • Finally


  • Need and Motivation
  • How to create a Thread
  • Simple Thread Jobs
  • Waiting for Thread to complete
  • Async Delegates
  • Thread notification

A quick overview of WinForms

  • Desktop application
    • Creating windows
    • Adding controls
    • Handling events

Enquiry About This Course

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