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09:45 - 11:30
Welcome and introduction to Target Elevate 2023Bruce Starnes | President, Target in India
Target Elevate kick-off Brett Craig | Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Target
Creating ‘antifragile’ systems in the next normal Jaspreet Bindra | Author & Founder, Tech Whisperer
How to become a powerful leader in tech
Roopa Acharya | Vice President, Engineering, Target in India

Sireesha C. | Vice President, Inventory Management & SC Operations, Target in India
Building technology for inclusion Divyanshu Ganatra | Inclusion Advocate, Entrepreneur & Adventurer
The first happy steps to change Hasini Lakshminarayanan | Founder, The First Step
When art meets tech: Democratizing art through technology Kamini Sawhney | Director, Museum of Art & Photography (MAP)
11:30 - 12:00Break
12:00 - 01:00
Navigating with purpose Cara Sylvester | Executive Vice President & Chief Guest Experience Officer, Target
Workshop: Building a brand called YOU Karthik Srinivasan | Communications Strategy Consultant
You’ve got one ride – make it count! Jodie Kautt | Senior Vice President, Cybersecurity, Target
12:00 - 01:00Mentoring session 1Booked in advance
Mentoring session 2 Booked in advance
01:00 - 02:30Lunch & experience the World of Target Tech
02:30 - 05:30When resilience meets inspiration Lisa Ray | Performer, Author, Co-founder, TheUpsideSpace
Tech for transformation, one schoolgirl at a timeAditi Prasad | Co-Founder of Indian Girls Code, COO & CIO-Robotix
The courage of conviction K Vaitheeswaran | Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Founder & CEO-Again Drinks
Target case study: The power of connected capabilitiesPrashant C | Director, 3D & Imaging, Target in India

Neha Dixit | Director, Engineering, Target in India

Godha Narayana | Director, Technology, Target in India
Miracles vs metamorphosis - Making the momentDr Saundarya Rajesh | Founder & President, Avtar Group
The Creator Mindset approach to Design ThinkingHarish Sivaramakrishnan | Engineer, Artist & Head of Design-CRED
Recap & Wrap-up Bruce Starnes | President, Target in India
Networking & experience the World of Target Tech